Process of Peer Review

Peer review is vital to the quality of published research. IFSA requires all conference papers go through the peer review process before publication.

Peer review is a process in which a scientific paper, submitted for the conference is evaluated by a group of international experts in the same field to make sure it meets the necessary standards for acceptance and publication.

Each IFSA Conference’s Technical Program Chair (Conference Proceedings Editor) will appoint an International Program Committee (IPC). The IPC collaborates to review and discuss submitted papers. Review occurs during a fixed window of time (as usually, one month). All authors are notified of the decision on their paper at the same time. The Technical Program Chair is ultimately responsible for the selection of every accepted paper.

The single-anonymous type of peer review, in which the names of the reviewers are not shared with the author, but the reviewers are aware of the author’s identity, is used for all IFSA Conferences.

During the peer review process, the reviewers must check the following:

Scope: Is the paper appropriate for the scope of this conference ?

Novelty: Is this original material distinct from previous publications ?

Validity: Is the study well designed and executed ?

Data: Are the data reported, analyzed, and interpreted correctly ?

Clarity: Are the ideas expressed clearly, concisely, and logically ?

Compliance: Are all ethical and publication requirements met ?

Advancement: Is this a significant contribution to the field ?

Peer Review Results

One of three possible decisions is possible:

Accept: The paper can be published as it is. The author will be asked to upload a final camera-ready paper.

Accept with minor or major revisions: The paper may be accepted after appropriate mandatory revisions, suggested by the reviewers. The authors will be asked to provide a revised version.

Reject: Your paper can not be presented at the conference or published in the conference proceedings. Author can submit the paper to another IFSA conference.